25 februára, 2010

Nejaké komentáre po tom, čo sme dali Švédov

...co boli na SME.sk fore toto rano, hned po zapase...:)

ak nedostanem infarkt teraz, tak prezijem aj vysledok junovych volieb

prezident by mal vyhlasit den pracovneho pokoja..

sa mi ruky trasu, idem na cigu, i ked nefajcim :-)

toto je napínavejšie ako finále Rusko - Slovensko

uf, zimomriavky na chrbte

Good bye Sweden !

Za tie nervy by si naši hráči zaslúžili na holý zadok...

Kolegyňa plače a nevieme prečo, lebo vôbec nerozumie hokeju, ale plačeme už aj my. Huráááááááááááááááááá

no a ja to balim, 4 zapasy v TV na dnes mi stacia

cely sa od nervov trasiem a smejem sa okolo celej hlavy!!! Dakujeme!!!!

...radšej Kanada ako Nórsko...proti silným to vieme lepšie...

skveleeeee, mozem konecne zacat pracovat!

dúfam že Kanada nás podcení...

hokeju figu drevenu rozumiem, ale aj tak som po tomto zapase na infarkt .-)

No konecne do prace, zatial som sa k nicomu nedostala, napinavee to boloooo :))

16 februára, 2010

A poem

How great and stunning it is to have God
Who Himself is called Love.
See Him hanging on the cross in pain,
But He knows none of this shall be in vain.

His mighty Counsel has said and willed,
That He Himself shall be killed.
For His love toward sinners like us,
He hangs on the tree and dies.

What a greater proof we need than this?
He laid down the very life of His.
Jesus bled and cried out loud:
It is finished! – He announced.

What shall we say to such an act?
One thing I know – it is great,
That the Lord would will do die,
For such a man as I.

09 februára, 2010

An Apology To Louie Giglio?

Today I've seen the official version of Giglio's message How Great Is Our God. Yesterday I gave three things I didn't like about his message. My biggest point was that Louie missed the main greatness of God - the cross - the gospel.

I must say I was truly pleased seeing the official version of his message- HE SAID THE GOSPEL! Now I can say without an hesitation: Thank you Louie for the message.

So this might sound like an apology - and in fact it is. Although I still claim the same about the YouTube version that I had seen at first. All of my three points apply to that one and the first two apply to this one as well.
All in all - good to watch:)

08 februára, 2010

Louie Giglio – How Great Is Our God

I just watched the video of Louie Giglio’s message called How Great Is Our God. And I’d like to share with you my opinions and impressions from the message.

Giglio uses great illustration about our universe and the way God created it. He also makes it really clear and plain to people who aren’t in love with the science (students are the main targeted audience). I like that he makes the contrast of how small and “unimportant” we are in the scope of entire universe, yet on the other hand how wonderful and “important” we are in God’s sight as His image-bearers.

Although there are three things I didn’t like about his message:

  1. Sometimes I thought he was going too far in the illustrations he made. What he said was still biblical and true (I agreed on that with him), but I’m not sure whether I would choose the same way of presenting it.
  2. Also, for the majority of time he was using background music as he was speaking. For your information, I am not a big fan of it. Why? Cause I believe in the supreme power of preaching that doesn’t need any emotions-affecting-background-music improvement. Because we want people to trust in Christ on the basis of their decision, not on the basis of their current feelings. I myself could have felt the effect of the background music on my processing of the message. It should be the Holy Spirit affecting us, not the music (although HS can [and I believe sometimes He does] use these kind of things).
  3. I didn’t hear the Gospel to be preached. He was talking about how significant we are for God (for He took a great care when He made us) and how great He is, but I think he missed the most important thing where His greatness is revealed the most – the Gospel – how Jesus Christ took on himself our likeness (nature of “insignificant” servants) and was willing to lay His life for us (and thus made us the most significant of everything else that was ever created!) – so we can have the significance we were once made for but fell short of. And he missed that…

So what is my conclusion? Watch it if you want to. It’s wonderful to know how our Lord and God has created the world we live in and our bodies we move in. It’s awesome. But keep in mind at least my third argument. Without Jesus’ death on the cross none of it would ever be possible!

03 februára, 2010

Serving on-the-go

This is a kind of late update, but anyway. Let me tell you what I am up to these coming days. Few weeks ago I’ve been invited by a Lutheran church in Košice to come and be their speaker at KEcy klub. It’s an after camp ministry for kids that went to an English camp in the summer (but not only for them). I’ll be talking about “Who are you a fan of?” Or another sub-title is “On whose side are you on?” The Bible verse I’ll be using is Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money”.

It is my first experience of traveling somewhere for the purpose to serve. So far I have always served here at home and never traveled in order to serve. It's gonna be different this time even because I know maybe two people in Košice and so I will serve to people I've never met. But I am really excited about it. Therefore there are some things I would like to ask you to pray for (if you can still make it since this post is kind of late:) Please pray for:
  • safe traveling (I’ll be traveling all together over 500 miles – and that’s a lot for Slovaks:)
  • arrival on time (we’ve got lots of snow here and the train might be delayed and it would not be the best if I were late)
  • the talk not to be boring (I’ll be speaking to teenagers in the age between 15-18 yrs old)
  • God using me for His glory
Later this week I will write about how it all went…
