09 februára, 2010

An Apology To Louie Giglio?

Today I've seen the official version of Giglio's message How Great Is Our God. Yesterday I gave three things I didn't like about his message. My biggest point was that Louie missed the main greatness of God - the cross - the gospel.

I must say I was truly pleased seeing the official version of his message- HE SAID THE GOSPEL! Now I can say without an hesitation: Thank you Louie for the message.

So this might sound like an apology - and in fact it is. Although I still claim the same about the YouTube version that I had seen at first. All of my three points apply to that one and the first two apply to this one as well.
All in all - good to watch:)

3 komentáre:

Seggi povedal(a)...

Som rada ze si to tu napisal dnes, lebo ja mam tu oficialnu verziu a som ti chcela napisat ze tu si mas kuknut, ze tam o tom hovori. A aj indiscribable a hope dvdcka mam. A dokonca aj Louieho blog citam :)

Marek Tomašovič povedal(a)...

:) hej hej...moj clanok bol zalozeny na tej youtube verzii (a tam si za tym stojim)...ale naozaj ma potesil, ked som videl tu oficialnu verziu. som si povedal: kokso, musim ist rychlo na blog a supnut to tam:)

Miriamka povedal(a)...
