08 februára, 2009

what do You want me to do?

i'm sure you all have had these times in your life when you wanted to do what God wanted you to. and so you tried but later you figured out it's probably not the right way. and then you begin to ask Him questions like:
- why did this have to happen?
- what have i done wrong?
- what are You trying to teach me?
- ...
and so i am asking now: LORD tell me what You're trying to teach me. open my eyes so i can see the path You have prepared for me.
you know, and then you try not to miss the point because you don't want to go through this all again. and so i'm trying to see but i'm blind. and i'm trying to listen but i don't hear anything. and i'm trying to understand but i don't get it. what is the lesson i've got to learn?

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